Saturday, December 12, 2009

34 Weeks

On December 4 at 33 weeks and 3 days. On thanksgiving day at 32 weeks and 2 days

We are now 34 weeks going on 35...which means Cash will be here very soon. We are so excited and can't wait to meet him. I have one more week till I'm off for Christmas break and I cant wait. I'm hoping that I will make it through the end of the semester which is January 15th. I would really like to meet my students for next semester so I can let them know what my expectations are and how I run the class. I'm hoping to finish all the National board stuff soon...I've mapped out most of the entries...just have to write the written part and put the videos together...I'm hoping I can get most of it done before Cash arrives so that I can spend as much time with him as possible before I go back to school. I only plan on taking 6 weeks...but I know it will be harder to leave him than I expect. But Todd will have some good bonding time with him while I'm working...and I'm sure the rest of the semester will go really fast...I'm hoping anyways. Then I'll have all summer with him. I only wish I could be a stay at home mom...but I'm glad I have a job and a career that I love doing. We go to the doctor the week of Christmas then we start going every week...We plan on taking the tour of the hospital then too. I am just so excited I can hardly wait...but i know he will come when he's ready. Todd really wants him to come before the new year so he can write him off his taxes...but I can wait. I want him to be healthy so we can take him home asap.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

33 weeks

We are at 33 weeks now and going strong. Everything is looking good...I only gained .6 lbs at last weeks doctors visit so that is good. The baby bump is at just the right size according to the doctor and his heartbeat sounds good too. We almost have everything we need from the first baby shower...we have plenty of diapers and wipes for sure. We got a few outfits for the baby and some other goodies. We have the bedding and mobile. It's really starting to look like a babies room now instead of just a blank slate. We take our childbirth class this saturday. I'm looking forward to it, maybe it will prepare me a little more or ease my mind about the process of giving birth. I have to keep reminding myself that tons of other women do it all the time so I can do it too! And of course the miracle of giving birth and the fact that my little man will be here when its over is always good enough reason to not dread it too bad. I have picked out the first name just dont know the middle name. His first name will be Cash and it may be Cash Todd Taylor, but I'm not quite sure yet. Todd says he doesnt care so he isnt deciding. I've been calling him Cash for a few months now just to see how I like it and it seems to be growing on everyone else. I even got a onesie with a guitar on it and Cash written across the chest (for Johnny Cash). So it seems to be a sign that his name must be Cash. If you dont like the name I dont care...its not your baby. I'm tired of people saying they dont like Cash...if you want to name a child have a baby and you can choose the name. I dont expect to please everyone with the name...there will always be people who wouldnt choose that name for their child but it's not their problem. So if someone tells you what they are naming their child...dont be mean and say you dont like that name...cause its not really up to you its up to the mother and father. And whether they will tell you or not it does hurt their feelings (or make them mad) for you to say the name they like isnt a good name or you dont like it. Sorry about the rant...its just been that way for us with some people in the family. We are very excited and we cant wait for baby Cash to get here!